Tiny homes have ‘role to play’ in social housing
Tiny homes have 'role to play' in social housing, says QLD professor, following successful trial in WA.It was the small pleasures Dianne really enjoyed during the first few days in her new tiny home, like having access to a TV.
Granny flats the next frontier to tackling the housing crisis in South Australia, as prices hit record high
The South Australian government is pushing back on councils preventing the rental of granny flats to non-family members, amid the state's housing crisis.
Some shires are changing planning laws to allow residents to live in tiny homes indefinitely
Tiny homes have existed ‘under the radar’. But changing rules are making the lifestyle more permanent.Kathryn McGoldrick had moved 15 times in five years when she decided to take the leap into tiny house living. But she soon realised it wasn’t going to quite achieve the housing security she had been yearning for.
Aussie makes $400 a week by renting out unusual home
An Aussie dad spent $30,000 on a shipping container from China and turned it into a two bedroom home that he now rents out for $400 a week.